Doral Refining Corp has earned great trust and a great reputation for over 40 years.
Our marketplace valuation of your scrap is based on the daily gold, silver, palladium, and platinum prices in conjunction with the quantity and quality of your material and analytical criteria. State of the art technology allows us to reclaim the maximum amount of precious metal from your SCRAP.
To make your refining experience easy and enjoyable, we provide simple, easy-to-follow directions and downloadable shipping instructions.
If using our postage paid mailer envelope for small amounts of scrap please:
- Wrap the scrap in multiple layers of tape, paper or plastic
- Complete the shipping form and place in envelope
- Seal the envelope securely
For larger quantities, please use a strong box and insure the package. We recommend using Registered Mail from the United States Postal Service for packages valued at $500 or more.
We invite jewelers, manufacturers, pawn shops and gold buying stores to visit our refinery and watch the entire process. If you’re mailing your scrap to Doral, which many of our customers do, we’ll walk you through the process every step of the way as if you were sitting in the refinery. Our assay equipment is calibrated every day and certified regularly so you can be certain that your return is precise.
If you’re looking for the refiner that TELLS you they pay the most, we’re the wrong company for you. If you want honest, accurate and fast returns for your metal, try DORAL!
Returning non-precious: Non-precious metal will be held in our refinery for 60 days until disposal. If you wish to have your non-precious returned, please notify the refinery at 516-223-3684. Return of non-precious will require the pre-payment of a shipping and handling fee.
We do not pay postage for NON-PRECIOUS PARTIALS OR LEAD FOIL!
If shipping amalgam, please note, we will accept DRY amalgam in closed screw top containers only.
Doral is not responsible for damaged or lost shipments to the refinery.